Stephen Adams, Ph.D.

Contact Information
Phone: (757) 870-4954

Ph.D. - Systems and Information Engineering University of Virginia (2015)

M.S. - Statistics University of Virginia (2010)

B.A. - Physics University of Virginia (2006)
Title: CVDI Site Managing Director &
Senior Research Scientist at University
of Virginia


Dr. Adams is a Senior Research Scientist in the Systems and Information Engineering (SIE) Department at UVA. He successfully defended his dissertation in August of 2015. Prior to joining the Ph.D. program, he worked for UVA’s Environmental Health and Safety department and completed his Master’s degree in Statistics as a part-time student. He is currently part of the Adaptive Decision Systems Lab at UVA and his research is applied to several domains including activity recognition, prognostics and health management for manufacturing systems, and predictive modeling of destination given user geo-information data.

Investigated Projects (PI)

Development of Human and Machine Predictive Maintenance and Care Service Based on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) 7a.032.UVA
Deep Learning and Adversarial Learning in Credit Card Fraud 7a.020.UVA
A Comprehensive Data Integrity/Trust Approach for IoT Infrastructures 7a.018.UL_UVA
IoT Data Trustworthiness and Sentinels 6a.051.UVA

Investigated Projects (Co-PI)

Improved Decision Making for Autonomous Systems 8a.005.UVA
Improved Decision Making for Autonomous Systems 7a.035.UVA
Development of Human & Machine Predictive Maintenance and Care Service Based on Industrial IoT 6a.056.UVA
Reinforcement Learning Approaches to Intent Inference in Autonomous Vehicles 6a.054.UVA

Involved Projects (Researcher)

Graph Reinforcement Learning for Smart Manufacturing 8a.026.UVA
General Techniques for Explaining/Interpreting Deep Neural Networks 8a.004.UVA
Privacy Preserving Multi-Party Analytics 7a.013.UVA
Adversarial Learning in Credit Card Fraud 6a.058.UVA


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