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 CVDI Logo

Established in 2012, the Center for Visual and Decision Informatics (CVDI) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) that works in partnership with government, industry, and academia to develop the next-generation visual and decision support tools and techniques that enable decision-makers to significantly improve the way their organization’s information is organized and interpreted.

CVDI graduated from the National Science Foundation IUCRC in December 2022 and now operates independently under the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.</fc>
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Vision Statement. The Center for Visual and Decision Informatics strives to become a world leader in creating a win-win partnership between industry and academia in big data. UL Lafayette, Drexel University, SBU, UVA, UNCC, and TAU along with other future academic partners, will cooperate to accelerate research, innovation, technology transfer, and student training in the big data space. The purpose of this concerted effort is to continue the ongoing efforts and make CVDI the most sought after research and development consortium for next-generation visual analysis and decision support tools and techniques.

Mission Statement. The core mission of CVDI in Phase II is to:

(1) conduct multi-disciplinary, cross-institutional pre-competitive research and develop the next-generation technologies in data science, big data, and analytics, including visual analytics, augmented intelligence, and decision informatics

(2) address data science and big data challenges facing industry and government and provide practical solutions in a broad range of market sectors

(3) work collaboratively with industry and government partners to unleash the transformative potential and associated opportunities of big data and data science for the benefit of society

(4) produce highly-trained students with practical hands-on skills in data science and big data

(5) inform policymakers, government, and industry about the significance of data science and big data

Focus. CVDI researchers bring synergy and complementary data science and big data research initiatives in data acquisition and management, analytics, visualization & human interaction, and applications to drive innovation in visual and decision informatics. The research topics within the analytics domain include visual analytics, predictive analytics, augmented intelligence, data summarization, deep learning, complex systems analysis, evolutionary optimization, agent-based models and simulation, privacy-preserving learning, and meta-learning. New visualization and human-computer interaction topics include interactive visualization, human-computer interaction modeling, cognitive assistance, and immersive analytics. Topics in data management include big data platforms, knowledge organization, data fusion and integration, parallel processing of massively large datasets, and green computing. The Center also brings complementary expertise in health informatics, biomedicine, energy, computational law, education, cybersecurity, disaster management, advanced manufacturing, psychology, and environmental science.


start.1721312838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/18 09:27 by andrea.frey