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Doug Hague, Ph.D.

Executive Director - School of Data Science | UNC Charlotte

Contact Information

Phone: (704) 562-6867 Mobile


Is the founding Executive Director of the School of Data Science. He comes to UNC Charlotte with deep experience in the financial services and telecommunications industries. Prior to joining the university, Dr. Hague was Chief Analytics Officer for Bank of American's Merchant Services division. He also chaired for UNC Charlotte's industry advisory board for the Data Science Initiative. Dr. Hague has authored 18 articles published in academic and professional journals and holds four patents.


  • M.S.-System Design & Management | MIT Sloan School of Management (1999 - 2001)
  • Ph.D.-Materials Science | Penn State University (1992 -1995)
  • M.S.-Metals Science & Engineering | Penn State University (1989 - 1992)
  • B.S.-Engineering Physics | The University of Tulsa (1985 - 1989)


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  • C.T. Allen, P.K. Kondamuri, D. L. Richards, and D.C. Hague, “Measured temporal and spectral PMD characteristics and their implications for network-level mitigation approaches,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 21 (2003) 79-86.
  • M.J. Mayor, J.R. Seidensticker, D.C. Hague, and A.H. Carim “Surface Chemistry Effects on the Processing and Superplastic Properties of Nanocrystalline Oxide Ceramics,” Nanostructured Materials 11 (1999) 271-282.
  • D.C. Hague and J.J. Mayo, “Sinter-Forging of Nanocrystalline Zirconia: II. Simulation,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 82 (1999) 545-555.
  • D.C. Hague and J.J. Mayo, “Sinter-Forging of Nanocrystalline Zirconia: I. Experimental,” J. Am Ceram. Soc. 80 (1997) 149-156.
  • D.C. Hague and M.J. Mayo, “Modeling Densification During Sinter-Forging of Nanocrystalline Yttria-Partially-Stabilized Zirconia,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A 204 (1995) 83-89.
  • D.C. Hague and M.J. Mayo, “Controlling Crystallinity During the Processing of Nanocrystalline Titania,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 77 (1994) 1957-1960.
  • D.C. Hague and M.J. Mayo, “The Effect of Crystallization and a Phase Transformation on the Grain Growth of Nanocrystalline Titania,” Nanostructured Mater. 3 (1994) 61-68.
  • M.J. Mayo and D.C. Hague, “Porosity-Grain Growth Relationships in the Sintering of Nanocrystalline Ceramics,” Nanostructured Mater. 3 (1994) 43-52.
  • M.J. Mayo, D.C. Hague, and D.J. Chen, “Processing of Nanocrystalline Ceramics for Applications in Superplasticity,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A 166 (1993) 145-159.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

  • M.J. Mayo, D.C. Hague, and D.J. Chen, “Production of Nanocrystalline Materials by the Compaction and Sintering of Ultrafine Powders,” Chapter 8 in Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis, Properties, and Uses, A.S. Edelstein and R.C. Cammarata, eds. Bristol: Institute of Physics, 1996. pp. 165-197.
  • Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
  • D. Hague, “Analyze This: Home Fresh Takes on Data Analytics are Driving Business Growth,” Banking CIO Outlook, Feb 2017, pg. 40.
  • D. Hague, M. Krieger, M. Bugenhagen, J.M. Charnes, B.R. Cobb, B. Wallace, C. Kersh, J. Shubin, “Sprint and Nortel Networks Use a Real Options Valuation Tool to Aid in Planning the Evolution of Telecommunication Networks,” D.L. Keefer, ed., Interfaces, 24 (2004) 438-440.

Conference Publications

  • D. Richards, C. Allen, and D. Hague, “DWDM System Identification of a PMD-Induced Event: Cost Effective Event Labeling,” NFOEC Technical Proceedings, Sept. 2003.
  • Abou-Arrage, T. Brown, P. Grande, D. Hague, J. Wood, R. Deltrap, R. Fizzard, N. Neayem, “Service Providers New Network Economics,” NFOEC Technical Proceedings, Session F1, Telcordia Technologies (2002), 156-167.
  • C.T. Allen, P.D.Kondamuri, D.L. Richards, and D.C. Hague, “Analysis and comparison of measured DGD data on buried single-mode fibers,” Symposium on Optical Fiber Measurements; Boulder, Colorado, (2002) 195-198.
  • C.T. Allen, P.K. Kondamuri, D. Richards, D. Hague, “Measured temporal and spectral PMD characteristics and their implications for network-level mitigation approaches,” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications; Banff, Alberta, Canada, (2002) 713-720.
  • M.J. Mayo and D.C. Hague, “Using Superplastic Flow to Process Nanocrystalline Ceramics,” Creep and Stress Relaxation in Miniature Structures and Components, H.D. Merchant, ed. Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1997. pp. 31-46.
  • M.J. Mayo and D.C. Hague, “Superplastic Sinter-Forging of Nanocrystalline Ceramics,” Superplasticity in Advanced Materials ICSAM-94, (Materials Science Forum 170-172) (Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1994) pp. 141-146.
  • D.C. Hague and M.J. Mayo, “Sinter-Forging of Chemically Precipitated Nanocrystalline TiO2,” Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of Materials Having Ultrafile Microstructures, M. Nastasi, D. Parkin, and H. Gleiter, eds. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Klewer, (1993) 539-545.
  • D.C. Hague, V.A. Maroni, and J.H. Meiser, “Metallic Bonding to High Temperature Superconduction Ceramics,” Proceedings: Third National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Vol. I University of North Carolina – Ashville (1989) 275-279.
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